SIR AREA 15 Golf Program
SIR’s saved my life! Once I retired I discovered all my friends and acquaintances were work-related. After connecting with SIR I had a whole new set of friends with related interests; golf, dining, photography, etc. If you are nearing retirement or are recently retired come join us and find out what SIR can offer you!
Branches Located in the
Our Mission Statement
The Sons In Retirement (SIR) golf program is designed to ensure that SIR golfers enjoy the game at whatever level they play. No pressure, just fun and fellowship in the true spirit of the grand old game, a game that has allowed us for years to reinforce the mission statement of our branches, “promoting the independence and dignity of retirement.” Golf is an individual game that reinforces the basic values of our Mission Statement almost every time we play. It develops and requires:
• Integrity
• Patience
• Mental & Physical Discipline
• Consideration for others
• Camaraderie and fellowship
At the same time, it provides the benefit of physical exercise and the joy of individual accomplishment.
Our Golf Program
SIR Area 15 Golf Club has over 100 golf club members and schedules 46 tournaments in the Sacramento area each year. We draw our members from four area branches whose combined membership numbers over 600 retired men.
We have two golf programs to choose from. For those who prefer to play on a shorter course, where walking is the rule, we play every Friday morning at 7:30 from March until November at Antelope Greens Golf Course in Elverta.
The format of each tournament varies weekly but we try to schedule both individual and team events. Individual handicaps are maintained and participants compete against players of similar skill levels.
For those who prefer to play the longer courses, we schedule weekly tournaments at 15 different Sacramento area courses. As a member of Area 15 SIR Golf you may choose to play in any or all of the events. Signing up to play is easy. You may sign up by e-mailing our tournament chairman, at monthly meetings, or at the weekly tournaments. You may retrieve your tee time by accessing the pairings on our website. The results of the weekly tournaments are published on our website weekly.
You may sign up as a group but we encourage you to sign up as an individual and allow the tournament director to pair you with other players who you may not know. We schedule our tournaments on various days of the week, avoiding conflicts with monthly SIR meetings and holidays.
Computer-generated scorecards are printed and distributed at tournament check-in.
Adjusted scores are posted by our handicap chairman with the NCGA and handicaps are used in determining winners of weekly golf tournaments. Golf merchandise is awarded to weekly winners.
SIR State Tournaments:
The SIR State Golf Committee conducts yearly tournaments of four to seven days. These take place in Las Vegas, Reno, Oregon, Mexico, and locally in the Valley. There are tournaments to select the statewide individual and group champions. The culmination of these SIR tournaments takes place at Poppy Hills in Pebble Beach in late October and Poppy Ridge in Livermore in August.
Your New Member Commitment
A major requirement from our members is that they attend our monthly luncheon meetings. After becoming a member you are encouraged to bring guests to our meetings as well as our golf tournaments.